9 People Who Inspire Me To Be a Better Person and a Better Artist


Finding inspiration isn’t always easy in the world we live in. There are a plethora of people willing to spew their vitriol all over the internet. The news certainly isn’t much for inspiration. Let’s face it, the news of what’s happening in our world can be downright depressing. So where do we look to feel inspired? To find joy? Well, nature is one place that fills me with inspiration, peace, and everything’s going to be OK feelings. Just the little hummingbirds in my backyard alone, fill me with happiness.

Outside my backyard? While the internet is infected with nastiness, it’s also abundant in inspiration...if you just know where to look. I can go down a rabbithole of research in this area, as I think regular doses of inspiration fuel us. As an artist, as a traveler, as a person. 

A photo I created while being inspired in Santa Fe

A photo I created while being inspired in Santa Fe

So here are 9 people who inspire me. I think inspiration is very personal, but this might be a good place for you to start. If I fill my Instagram and Facebook feeds with people who inspire me, I find it gives me a constant flow of goodness, insight, and motivation.

#1 Ami Vitale is a National Geographic photographer, and does some incredible conservation projects. One in particular that was one of my favorites (and let’s face it - the world’s favorites) was on pandas. She’s a documentary photographer, and her images are touching, sweet, and sometimes disturbing. She educates and inspires me.

#2 Melinda Gates and The Gates Foundation do some incredible work around the world. Work that helps empower women, educate children...work that actually changes the world for good. So no, she is not a photographer, but I think we get inspiration from a lot of sources - not just our medium of choice. She inspires me to take action, give back, do something that makes a difference, and all of that can be achieved with a camera. I am inspired to go on a documentary photography journey to make changes with my photographs. Wow that one got really deep!

Santa Fe Photography Workshops

Santa Fe Photography Workshops

#3 Paola M. Franqui is a street photographer. I find her work daring, bold, and yet mysterious...almost voyeuristic. I feel somehow connected to the subjects of her street portraits. I can’t always explain exactly what inspires me, but she just does.

#4 Gerson Daniels. Unconventional. That’s how I would describe this artist. Everything from portraits, to street photography, to travel. Some of it is shocking, some sweet. And pretty much all of it’s fascinating. I like to think of myself as an artist, pushing the boundaries...but let’s face it, I’m not pushing much of anything except my shutter button. So folks like Gerson who really DO push the boundaries are very inspiring to me!

#5 Oprah. OK, yeah, I know it’s cliché but I love Oprah! She has come so far and done so much in her life, really against all odds, based on where she started. So don’t judge me, I’m freaking inspired by the Queen of Inspiration. AND not only did she accomplish SO much for herself? She’s made it her life’s mission to inspire others and make the world a better place. She’s strong, driven, and accomplished. What’s not inspiring about that? And if I could meet her one day, it might be the only time I ended up speechless.

More inspiration in Santa Fe. It was an inspiring workshop AND an incredibly inspiring place!

More inspiration in Santa Fe. It was an inspiring workshop AND an incredibly inspiring place!

#6 Sherry Ott. What inspires me about Sherry is her seemingly fearless “just do it” attitude. AND she’s a kitten foster mom! I mean hello!! She travels all over the world and shares it all with us. Which means really putting herself out there. I truly admire her ability to do that. I’m getting there, but it’s hard for me. I’m hesitant, and have excuses for not sharing more, not sharing the imperfect. Which also means I don’t completely connect with people. Sherry, on the other hand, gets out there and DOES IT! And we get to go along with her - from Japan, to Morocco, to her home in Denver with kittens. A life many people dream of, and she’s freakin’ making it happen! Now THAT is inspiring!

#7 Jennifer Spelman is a documentary photographer and educator according to her Instagram profile. She was my instructor for a Santa Fe Photography Workshop on Street Portraits. I LOVE her work, and she inspires me to push myself to be better, try new things, and go to new places. The photos from this post were inspired by her, the workshop, and Santa Fe itself.

I love to be inspired to try new things. Out of the comfort zone. Things I don’t normally think of…that is why a workshop is such a good way to spark that inspiration! Thanks Jennifer Spelman!

I love to be inspired to try new things. Out of the comfort zone. Things I don’t normally think of…that is why a workshop is such a good way to spark that inspiration! Thanks Jennifer Spelman!

#8 Dorothea Lange. Although no longer with us, her story is one that truly inspires me. Lange was committed to social justice and through her photos she showed the rest of the world what we didn’t always want to see, but needed to. I have this deep-rooted desire to do the same. And Dorothea just did it. She didn’t just think about it, she traveled the world and documented poverty, racial injustice, and often beauty. Want to know more about her? Check out the documentary (I’ve seen it a couple of times), Grab A Hunk of Lightning.

#9 Danielle Da Silva is a brilliant, strong, accomplished photographer. She is not afraid to speak her mind, stand up for her beliefs, and acts to support causes she is passionate about. She is the founder of Photographers Without Borders, which is an organization I would love to work with one day. Too often throughout my life I let fear hold me back. Not Danielle. She charges forward and gets shit done.

This was an assignment that Jennifer Spelman gave us - create a self-portrait. Needless to say I was not excited about doing it. But I did like the results. I called it “Reaching”…something I always strive to be doing.

This was an assignment that Jennifer Spelman gave us - create a self-portrait. Needless to say I was not excited about doing it. But I did like the results. I called it “Reaching”…something I always strive to be doing.

And I certainly hope you follow me! I try to be inspiring, after all. And if you have more suggestions? Please share them, I’m ALWAYS looking for more inspiration!

Diane Evans